Urban Flooding Resources

Jul 23, 2024 | News Updates

The City is committed to ensuring our infrastructure is safe and reliant and is continuously working to improve our City’s sewer and stormwater systems to mitigate impacts from extreme weather events and climate change.

Where and how frequent urban flooding occurs depends on a number of factors, such as the amount of rain that falls over a period of time, topography, our historical drainage systems, and the size of the storm and sewer pipes.

Feedback and data from the community are valuable to the City. Residents can help by reporting a flooding event. Information from flooded homes and properties can reveal or confirm multiple causes of flooding which helps the City prioritize appropriate solutions. Causes of flooding often also include vulnerabilities on private property.

There are things residents can do around their homes to help mitigate the risk of urban flooding. For ways to protect your home, check Ottawa.ca/flooding and Ottawa.ca/rain for more information.