I am happy to announce that the long-awaited housing project at 1770 Heatherington is moving forward. This site, which has been slated for new and affordable housing since 2015, is a significant milestone for our community and one of my key priorities for this term of Council.
Given the current housing crisis, I am pleased to see this crucial project advancing. This development will include new affordable housing units, a new road, and a new public park. This project is in alignment with the City’s Official Plan and the Building Better Revitalized Neighbourhoods (BBRN) strategic initiative, ensuring that we continue to meet our community’s needs in a thoughtful and sustainable way.
There are two applications related to this development: one for a plan of subdivision and the other for a rezoning amendment. These will facilitate the construction of the residential units and the new park. The rezoning application will be reviewed by the Planning and Housing Committee on September 11th and then by City Council on September 18th. With the subdivision application to follow at a later date.
Community feedback is still being accepted, and we encourage residents to share their thoughts by emailing: Erin O’Connell Erin.OConnell@ottawa.ca
For more information on the project, you can follow the progress of the applications through the City’s Development Applications DevApps and Here
This project marks a significant step forward in addressing the housing needs of our community, and we are committed to seeing it through to completion.