Truth and Reconciliation Week

Sep 26, 2023 | News Updates

This week is Truth and Reconciliation Week. As the Council Liaison for the Anishinabe Algonquin Nation Civic Cultural Protocol and Implementation Plan for the 2022-2026 Council Term, I encourage you to take this opportunity to participate in events happening across the city.

There is a series of learning opportunities being offered by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Registration is required for the virtual sessions:…/coming-soon-truth-and…/trw2023-gen/

Ottawa Public Library will open seven of its branches (Greenboro Library is included in this group) on September 30 and offer resources and activities to support residents in developing their understanding of the experiences of Indigenous children and the ongoing intergenerational impacts of residential schools.

The Canadian Museum of History is offering free admission on September 30, and opportunities to acknowledge the history and impact of residential schools across Canada, beginning with a panel discussion on September 28.

On September 30th, residents can come to Parliament Hill for the national commemorative gathering, Remembering the Children. The ceremony will begin at 1:00 PM.

As the City works towards it’s own journey of reconciliation, I am pleased to report that this month we had our first meeting of the Algonquin Anishinabe Consultative Cultural Circle. This Circle is critical to pursuing continued reconciliation efforts in our city and building strong relationships with the Algonquin communities. It was an honour to participate as the Council liaison and I look forward to implementing and advancing the priorities as set out in the Protocol plan.