Opportunity to Contribute to the City’s Community Garden & Green Initiatives Review

Jun 24, 2024 | News Updates

The City of Ottawa is in the process of reviewing the Community Garden Action Plan and other community-led green initiatives in order to improve related services, programs, and resources for Ottawans. Hoffmann Hayes consultant team is working with the City of Ottawa to review and improve the process and is seeking input from community groups and individuals about the future of community gardens and green initiatives in Ottawa.

Here’s how to get involved:

  1. Attend a Virtual Community Garden or Green Initiatives Open House on:

Thursday, June 20th 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Hear from other community members involved in community gardens, learn about the review process and contribute your ideas, input and feedback. This session will focus primarily on community gardens.

Tuesday, June 25th 6:30-8:00 pm

Hear from other community members involved in green initiatives, learn about the review process and provide ideas, input and feedback. This session will focus primarily on green initiatives.

There will an opportunity for interested individuals and/or community groups to register for a chance to present their ideas, experiences, or stories during these events.

To register for either session and/or for the chance to present at a virtual open house register online the Engage Ottawa Live Platform.

  1. Online Survey (June 10th – July 7th) – Share your ideas, input, and feedback on community gardens and green initiatives through Engage Ottawa Live Survey.

Please visit Engage Ottawa starting June 10th 2024 to learn more about the Community Garden Action Plan and Community-Led Green Initiative review and update.