Larga Baffin Development Update

Apr 19, 2024 | News Updates

The applicant for 1452-1470 Hunt Club Road and 1525-1545 Sieveright Avenue, Larga Baffin, a facility providing medical boarding to Inuit Peoples of the Baffin Region of Nunavut, has indicated their intention to submit a Site Plan Control Application by the end of April 2024.

In advance of their formal submission, the applicant has provided a summary document outlining how they have incorporated feedback from the community that was received during the public consultations that took place last term.

Summary of Changes Based on Resident Feedback:

The proposed changes to the Site Plan, highlights include:

  • Reduction of the height from six (6) storeys to five (5) storeys;

  • Reduction of the overall height including the mechanical penthouse from 28 metres to 25.9 metres;

  • Relocation of the Sieveright Avenue access drive aisle to the western edge of the property, away from existing residential properties

  • Addition of a traffic gate with fob access control at the Sieveright Avenue access

  • Reduction of the number of units from 220 to 176

  • Adjustment to the unit mix of shared rooms and private rooms.

Timeline and Next Steps:

The applicant plans to submit their final Site Plan Control Application by the end of April, which will be posted online at New provincial changes from Bill 109 mandate that a Site Plan Control process must be completed within 60 days of submission. This means that once the application is submitted, the next steps will happen quickly. With Bill 109, applications are no longer subject to public meetings, and do not require the Councillor’s concurrence. This is largely an internal process between city staff and the applicant.

Having said that, if you have questions or comments related to the proposed Site Plan please email my office at

Stay Updated:

I recognize that this is a significant development in the community, and I want to work together to ensure a positive outcome for everyone. If you are interested in being kept up to date on this project, including being notified when the Site Plan Control Application is available to view, please email my office at