Lansdowne 2.0 Public Consultation

Mar 27, 2023 | News Updates

The City of Ottawa is launching public engagement efforts for Lansdowne 2.0.

Lansdowne 2.0 requires a significant investment of public funds and it is important that all residents are engaged in this project over the coming months. The Lansdowne 2.0 project team has developed an engagement strategy to ensure that the public gets the chance to voice their ideas, input, and perspectives on the project. The consultation will last several months and is going to include a series of online and in-person surveys, a newsletter, community consultation workshops, business consultation workshops, as well as a number of pop-up engagement activities. These will provide residents and businesses with the opportunity to learn more about the project, ask questions, and provide feedback.

The first opportunity is the Concept Plan survey for the Lansdowne 2.0 project. The survey is an important step in the public engagement process and residents are encouraged to provide feedback on the project’s concept plans.

The survey is now available; click here to complete.

If you have any questions about Lansdowne 2.0, you can contact the project team at