Hydro Road Municipal Transformer Station Project

Jul 11, 2024 | News Updates

Hydro Ottawa is proposing to construct a new 230 kilovolt (kV) Municipal Transformer Station near Hydro One Networks’ existing Hawthorne Transformer Station, north of Hydro Road in the city of Ottawa.

The Hydro Road Municipal Transformer Station project includes:

  • The construction of a new 230 kV Municipal Transformer Station, that would be owned and operated by Hydro Ottawa, and located within Hydro One’s property with restricted access and 24/7 security personnel.
  • The construction of new steel towers that will accommodate two new 230 kV overhead power lines that will connect the new transformer station to Hydro One’s existing Hawthorne Transformer Station.

The new station will be called the Hydro Road Municipal Transformer Station. This project will strengthen the electricity system serving the city of Ottawa and provide the required infrastructure to support the city’s growing electrical needs, including supplying the additional power required for charging and maintaining ZEBs. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2025.

For more information on this project, please visit Hydro Ottawa’s webpage here.