My Blog
New Affordable Housing: 1770 Heatherington Road Update
I am pleased to provide an update on the long-anticipated affordable housing development at 1770 Heatherington Road. The rezoning application for this project was reviewed and passed by the Planning and Housing Committee on September 11th, and it will now proceed to...
Forestglade Park Revitalization
I am pleased to announce that Forestglade Park, located at 62 Forestglade Crescent, will be undergoing a full revitalization, including a full replacement of the existing play structure and the addition of new play amenities, trees, and benches. Design options and the...
Ottawa’s New Older Adult Plan – Help shape a city where older adults age well.
The City of Ottawa is planning for the development of its new Older Adult Plan, and we want to hear from you! City staff are continuing to consult with residents and community agencies to determine the priorities and structure needed to facilitate the implementation...
Lansdowne 2.0 Engagement Session
Staff will conduct an Information and Comment Session virtually over Zoom on Tuesday September 10th from 6:30-8:30pm. The presentation will review the application, have a thorough question and answer period through the Zoom chat moderated by City staff, and provide...
City of Ottawa’s New Mandatory Organics Program for Multi-Residential Properties
Starting this fall, the City of Ottawa will implement a mandatory organics program for all multi-residential properties with six or more units. This initiative, part of our ongoing waste diversion strategy, will transition properties to the City’s Green Bin program...
Volunteer Ottawa – Volunteer Expo
Volunteer Ottawa is holding its Fall Volunteer Expo on Friday, September 20, 2024 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the Nepean Sportsplex (1701 Woodroffe Ave, Nepean). This is a free, in-person event where you can speak with dozens of local charities about volunteer...
Have your say on Draft Budget 2025
Budget 2025 is right around the corner, and we want to hear from you! Tell us what budget priorities matter to you by visiting the Engage Ottawa Draft Budget 2025 page today to complete a short poll. The poll is open until Friday, September 13 and the results will be...
2024 Sidewalk Inspections: What to Expect
Starting August 19, the City of Ottawa will undertake its 2024 sidewalk inspections. This expanded program follows a successful pilot last year and aims to cover the entire city. Highlights: Objective: To identify and prioritize sidewalk repairs in accordance with...
1770 Heatherington Project Update
I am happy to announce that the long-awaited housing project at 1770 Heatherington is moving forward. This site, which has been slated for new and affordable housing since 2015, is a significant milestone for our community and one of my key priorities for this term of...
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(613) 304-6743
1234 Divi St. San Francisco, CA 24621